Thursday 26 May 2011

Solitude is sometimes Bliss..

While in high school… I would always dream of being independent and living life ‘my’ way…

October 2008 to September 2010 was my time!!! Just mine…

Everyone I met seemed to advise me against ‘staying alone’… Mamma… Grandma… Dad… Satya… friends… They were all worried if I’d be able to manage….. But as always, I had to prove a point ;)

I moved out, into an apartment to live alone … I could finally afford my own place!!!

The 1st day when I came into this house…’my house’ I was really happy. The entire place belonged to me…I did not have to share my home, my keys, my bathroom and sooo many other things…. Though I missed my roomies, this was a different feeling altogether…

I stayed at Banaswadi, about 3 kilometers away from my work place… My small apartment was in the 2nd floor and it had a hall, a small bedroom and an even smaller kitchen… But something about this place, I really liked…I set up the apartment… all blue <my fav>… Actually Satya helped me with most of it… It took me a couple of weeks to settle down…

Every day I’d be back from work by 21:00 and do my things…laze around as long as I could, TV for 2 hrs and some times more, kitchen, read, prayers and sleep…And weekends just flew with friends who are more than family to me… We would all jam up at my place and then…………. it was super fun!

In a couple of months, a friend moved in next door… I would open my door and it was her apartment… Could I ask for more? My TV time reduced to half an hour and then the 2 of us spent time…talking and talking and talking about all the things in this world!

Time moved on!!! And so did I J

All I can say is ……these 2 years, I would never forget… I did not do big things… just lived my little dream!!! I managed to stay alone and for quite sometime!!!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Those were THE BEST DAYS of MY LIFE...

May 2nd 2006... My first day at HP... Hewlett Packard, Bangalore... Got through campus recruitment and landed up in Bangalore immediately after my final exams (graduation)...

When I reached the ‘Bagmane Tech-Park office’ two days after induction, I saw a thousand serious faces, gaping into their computers...n a few busy typing...

We (Priya, my friend and I) were politely directed by a stranger, towards the pantry. There we waited for our manager who came in about 10 mins, spoke for a while and lead us to our work stations...

He introduced us to the team and our new Team Leader (Rashmi Shetty)... I was a little relieved when I heard she was from Mangalore; however she did not smile much...

After a couple of hours we were told to leave for the day, as our shift would start at 06:00 A.M. the following day...

Those first days…we started with the online courses…We read each and every line of the 1st course and then to be frank ........we continued hitting …N-E-X-T… N-E-X-T… N-E-X-T... A completion certificate was all that we required...

Each and everyone looked weird... full of knowledge and quiet on their comps….Soooooooo unlike me … I feared if I would ever learn how to reply to such complex queries.... sort pricing issues....etc etc....
Training began and we would wait for the clock to say 3:00pm... we would then rush into our cabs and crave be back home as soon as possible… ‘Training time’ was quite boring!

Days passed by...
Office home…office home …The same old routine continued for months...

Things started changing... little did I realize that this office had slowly become dear to me...and the people here became “My friends” integral part of my life!!! I had actually started working <smiles>…Doing the same things which looked sooo complicated in the beginning...

Made amazing friends, who had changed the way I lived...

The best part.... I also found in HP...The man, I wanted to spend my life with... (More about this in my next blog)...

One year passed by and how quick!